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Published: 06/26/2018
Bunker Oil AS expands its plant in Ålesund, Hessa tank plant (Kleivane)

Bunker Oil expands its plant with 4 new tanks (3x 6200 m3 + 1x 1000 m3) built in Estonia, this will triple the capacity of the plant.

The tanks are on their way with ship "Aura" (imo: 9395276) from Estonia, arriving in Ålesund early Sunday morning. The tanks will be mounted on the plant from July 1, and marked with Bunker Oil logos.

The landing will take approx. one day, but it will take another two days to get the crane / jacked tanks in place.

The ship, which is 110 meters long, will moor with the stern to land, and will occupy large portions of the shipping lane past the facility during the landing.

The entire plant is expected to be ready for use in November this year.

Our contact person is Ove Rørvik: 90846857 // ove@bunkeroil.no