• Ålesund


M/T Coastal Bunker

M/T Kystbunker runs regularly along the Norwegian coast from Bergen in the south to Båtsfjord in the north with bunkers and lubricant deliveries to boats and retailers.
Call sign: LAJC
Register: NOR
IMO No: 9153018
Ship Type: Oil, tankers
Material: Steel
Length: 38,040 meters
Width: 8,600 meters
Depth: 5000 meters

Max length: 41 650 meters
Gross tonnage: 499
Net tonnage: 165

Kystbunker AS
Kaptein Lingesvei 65
6006 Ålesund

Org.nr: 995 583 976
CEO: Ove Rørvik | Phone: +47 908 46 857 | 

M/T Coastal Bunker II

M / T Coast Bunker II, the coast's new celebrity, will from November 2017 trudge along the Norwegian coast from Bergen in the south to Båtsfjord in the north with bunkers and lubricating oil deliveries to the coastal fleet and dealers.
Knowledge signal: NOTE
Register: NOR
IMO no .: 9821366
Ship type: Oil, tanker
Material: Steel
Length: 42,866 meters
Width: 9,700 meters
Depth: 4,000 meters

Largest length: 45,457 meters
Gross tonnage:
Net tonnage:

Coastal bunker AS
Captain Lingesvei 65
6006 Ålesund

Org.nr: 995 583 976
Managing Director: Ove Rørvik | 


KainavnKai 8Kai 5
Dybde ved lavvann1520
Kapasitet cbm/t300160

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