Generally about fuel and other products at our stations
Lead-free 95 Gasoline can be used in virtually all petrol engines (2-T and 4-stroke). However, some older motors require a lead replacement component to maintain the life of the valve seats. Lead-free 98 Gasoline is especially suitable for use in highly compressed gasoline engines. (Some older engines require leaded gasoline.)
Typical values: Density kg / m3 0.735, Upper calorific value 11300 kcal / kg
Typical values: Density kg / m3 0.735, Upper calorific value 11300 kcal / kg
ADO – Auto Diesel Oil
Diesel Oil meets all the requirements set in the product regulations in the EU, as well as the Norwegian Industry Standard for Auto Diesel. In winter, ADO meets the European standard EN 590: 199 Arctic Grade 2. This is a winter diesel that maintains, among other things. good ignition properties (cetane index / numbers) at low temperatures. The product can contain up to 7% bio fuel.
Typical values: Upper calorific value, 10800 kcal / kg, Fog / Block: 0 / -11 (summer), -22 / -32 Winter, Density v 15 ° C kg / m3 0.845, Sulfur max 10 ppm.
Typical values: Upper calorific value, 10800 kcal / kg, Fog / Block: 0 / -11 (summer), -22 / -32 Winter, Density v 15 ° C kg / m3 0.845, Sulfur max 10 ppm.
HVO Diesel 100 is one of the fuel products that gives the greatest reduction in fossil CO2 emissions. The product is produced through hydration of renewable raw materials and is often referred to as HVO (hydrated vegetable oil). Preem uses only raw materials from slaughterhouse waste in HVO Diesel 100. Our HVO is free of palm oil / PFAD. HVO Diesel 100 meets the requirements of Class A, in the technical specification CEN / TS 15940 Typical values: Fog / Block: -15 (summer), -32 Winter, Density v 15 ° C kg / m3 0.780, Sulfur max 5 ppm.
Å fylle spylervæske rett fra tank, er like lett som å tanke drivstoff. Høykvalitets spylervæske hos våre stasjoner fjerner effektivt trafikkfilm fra frontruten, og sparer miljøet for mye plast.
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